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Thursday, 14 May 2015


A crisis should never be regarded as a burden,a calamity or a hindrance.It is at the time of a crisis that a person's problem-solving abilities take a fore-front and he becomes aware of himself,his inner strength.

As the esteemed John F. Kennedy had once said,"Crisis when written in Chinese is a two-lettered word.One character meaning danger and the other for opportunity.The opportunity to improve yourself,to magnify your talents and abilities,to make something of yourself,When in a crisis insted of wallowing in self pity,one must step upon one's problems,stamp and crush it out and come out of it with wings that now enables you to fly farther away to new skies,to new crisis,to find a newer,better you.With each crisis,you realise and add to your strength and so become a better person.Stars can not shine without darkness.

There's no better example than the distinguished author Paulo Coelho.At the age of 30,he was fired from his well set job,a great blow seeing that he was very near to reaching the heights in his field.Two years of looking for a job and not finding one propelled him to write a passion which he had always nurtured but never did professionally.Now, he's one of the most celebrated author of our times.

Also,crisis gives you one of the most beautiful moments of life which you can savour later on.As it has been said crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.What we might be finding terribly difficult today may seem relatively way too easy tomorrow just because of a crisis which enabled us to do it.

More than often, it is crisis,difficulties and problems that bring out the best in a person.So,it depends on you whether you bow down under the burden of crisis or stand up,bring the difficulties and emerge with winning colours.Then, when you look back at your critical days,cynics and backbiters,you can smile smugly and say,'Who's the man now?' ;)

So,definitely crisis is more of an opportunity which one should deal with bravely.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Would you rather be underrated than overrated?

Being overrated is the state of one's capability being underestimated.An underrated person may not get the chance to do the work she or he is actually capable of doing just because his capacity to do that task is not known by his colleague.
Overrated is when a person's capabilities,skills and talents are held in high regard and she or he is relied upon for all kinds of jobs.
I would prefer being underrated initially.It gives one time to understand the environment,the people and the work.Slowly,I would start exhibiting my abilities and make my worth known to one and all.Being underrated motivates you to better yourself,break bars and achieve higher goals.
Also,being underrated is a very useful weapon in competetion.Your adversary makes the grand mistake of underestimating you which makes it easier for you to surprise him or her out of his or her wits and strike the winning blow.. ;)Your opponent has himself handed you an advantage.For instance, in the game of kusti or wrestling,the player who is bulkier or taller is considered capable of winning over his opponent.Such a player in his smugness may not consider his loss by the simple tactic of his smaller companion if making him lose balance of his feet resulting in his fall and consequent loss.
(and trust me there's no greater feeling of elation then looking at the face of a smug,defeated opponent!!)
On the other hand an overrated person has a lot riding on his or her shoulders.They need to constantly prove their mettle and keep up with their image.Even the seniors expect a lot from them and heap them with more responsibilities.This increased work load leads to saturation and on being unable to meet the demands,colleagues and seniors feel let down.
Thus, I would prefer being underrated rather than overrated.

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I am a lovely person and I admit I have had numerous love affairs.Many scandalous,numerous fleeting and a couple long-standing ones. Now...

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